Edit the width of the chest in the photo

Make the chest wider in the photo.
The “gold” standard of beauty for men is considered to be a toned muscular figure with prominent pectoral muscles.
A rare number of males can boast of this data in front of their girlfriends and friends. Often, in order to have a magnificent and relief body, you need to spend a huge amount of time in gyms, adhere to special nutrition, apply strength training, since not all loads provide an increase in muscle mass. Only in the interval of the most intense loads is the release of testosterone – the male hormone, which leads to muscle growth. Of course, if there is no desire and ability to go in for sports intensively, you can achieve their increase with the help of plastic surgery, by inserting silicone implants under the skin. But is the game worth the candle?
After all, any surgical intervention means long months of rehabilitation and pain. And not the fact that you will be happy with the result.
You can correct the shape of your breast on either side, whether it is an increase or decrease, on our Pixelmaniya website. You can make yourself a brutal and muscular bodybuilder or lean skinny by sending any picture to the Pixelmaniya online photo retouching site. It is enough to upload the selected photo and in a short time admire the result you like. People become more confident and happier when they look at beautiful themselves. You can easily upload the edited court pictures to any social networks, have a lot of fun and new fans.
Be happy with your appearance with our help!
In the photo, make your chest wider. In addition to an athletic figure with a thin waist and wide chest, you can take off your clothes, smooth your skin, remove stretch marks and scars.
All body retouching services online on the Pixelmaniya website and application.